Open port for SQL Server remote connection

Ports and protocols used by Microsoft SQL Server database engine (SQLServer).

About this task

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) produced by Microsoft. Its primary query language is Transact-SQL, an implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard Structured Query Language (SQL) which is used by Microsoft. You need to allow distant users to connect to the SQL server so they can address it their queries.
SQL Server is used by:

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Restoring database from .mdf and .ldf files of SQL Server 2008

  1. First Put the .mdf and .ldf file in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA folder
  2. Then go to sql software , Right-click “Databases” and click the “Attach” option to open the Attach Databases dialog box
  3. Click the “Add” button to open and Locate Database Files From C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAfolder
  4. Click the “OK” button. SQL Server Management Studio loads the database from the .MDF file.

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Solving SQL Server Connection Problem

Inspect Server Settings

There are three significant aspects that users may neglect, which lead to the failure of the connection to the SQL Server.

Enable TCP/IP Connection

To check whether your server enabled to TCP/IP connections:

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Uninstall Oracle DB on Windows completely


  1. START -> RUN -> Services.msc
  2. Locate all Ora* services & click on STOP
  3. Start -> RUN -> Regedit
  4. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder in the registry
  5. Open Software folder
  6. Delete the Oracle folder under Software
  7. Open System folder in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
  8. Open CurrentControlSet folder within the System folder
  9. Open Services
  10. Delete all keys related to Oracle. Every key starts with “ORA..”
  11. Close the regedit
  12. Delete ORACLE_HOME folder
  13. Delete the Oracle folder in Program Files
  14. Reboot

Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).

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Grant privilege on all objects in a Schema to a user in Oracle Database

In this example I have given select on all tables in schema test1 to user test2. As well grant all DML privilege on tables and views, and grant execute on procedures, functions and packages in a schema test1 to user test2.

SQL> create user test1 identified by test1;
User created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to test1;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> create user test2 identified by test2;
User created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to test2;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn test1/test1
SQL> create table test_table1(id number,name varchar2(30));
Table created.
SQL> create table test_table2(id number,name varchar2(30));
Table created.
SQL> show user;

If you want to grant select privilege:

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Oracle database Commands

SSH vào server bằng tài khoản oracle.

Truy cập công cụ sqlplus, đăng nhập quyền sysdba:

sqlplus / as sysdba

Thông thường, có thể lệnh sqlplus có thể sẽ không tồn tại trong session hiện tại, bạn cần thực hiện câu lệnh sau để áp dụng biến môi trường (xem trong bài Install Oracle 11g R2 on CentOS):

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Install Oracle 12c R2 on CentOS

Cài đặt GUI

Đầu tiên cần cài đặt giao diện GUI cho CentOS, làm theo bài hướng dẫn sau: Install Gnome 3 GUI on RHEL, CentOS

Download bộ cài

Download bộ cài Oracle 12c từ trang chủ của Oracle hoặc bằng link Google Drive tại đây:

Linux 64 bit

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Install Oracle 11g R2 on CentOS

Cài đặt GUI

Đầu tiên cần cài đặt giao diện GUI cho CentOS, làm theo bài hướng dẫn sau: Install Gnome 3 GUI on RHEL, CentOS

Download bộ cài

Download bộ cài Oracle 11g từ trang chủ của Oracle hoặc bằng link Google Drive tại đây:

Linux 64 bit Part 1

Linux 64 bit Part 2

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