Protect Email from 1000+ Spam Bots

Tired of spam emails? How to protect email from spam bots? Use our simple JavaScript tool to encode your email address, making it harder for spam bots to harvest it from your website.

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Don’t Miss These 25+ JavaScript Shorthand Techniques

Unravel the power of JavaScript shorthands. Dive into over 25 techniques that make your code concise, efficient, and often faster. Elevate your coding game!

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RSA encryption in Java and JavaScript

Using RSA encryption to:

  1. Encrypt plain text in Java and decrypt cypher text in JavaScript.
  2. Encrypt plain text in JavaScript and decrypt cypher text in Java.

Encryption in JavaScript side

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AES encryption in Java and JavaScript

In this article, I’m going to discuss about both side AES encryption in Java and JavaScript. It means:

  1. Encrypt plain text in Java and decrypt cypher text in JavaScript.
  2. Encrypt plain text in JavaScript and decrypt cypher text in Java.

JavaScript side

I use library CryptoJS for AES encryption.

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